Sridevi's English Vinglish encourages Bihari dalit girls

Speaking fluent English is not only a big deal for a Maharashtrian housewife as shown in Gauri Shinde'sEnglish Vinglish. The film's message of overcoming a linguistic barrier has gripped Bihar's college-going Dalit girls who are rooting for Sridevi in English Vinglish in the way cricket lovers cheered Aamir Khan in Lagaan.

Girls en masse from various colleges in Patna and n#eighbouring towns of Bihar have watched the film and are motivated into improving their spoken English. 

Suman Sinha a leading Patna exhibitor says, "It's not just housewives. Young unmarried college-going girls feel the same sense of inferiority that Sridevi experiences in English Vinglish because of a lack of fluency in English. They are coming forward in huge numbers to see the film and going back with the determination to join English-improvement classes." 

Delighted by the turn of events, English Vinglish producer R Balki said, "That our film has influenced a section of the audience to improve its language is awesome. English Vinglish is not just about learning English. It's about the determination that the lack of a familiarity will not stop people's aspirations and dreams from growing." 

Adds Sridevi, "To see our film make such an impact makes me happier about its success. This is the real success of English Vinglish."

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